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Content of the app. More work flows will be added here.


shareLinkA link (URL) to share.stringfalseundefined
stateState containing state of the scaffold.objectfalseundefined
optionsThe options include APIs and Keys.objecttrue{}
startingMapNew option to start the map in AC, FC or WholeBody.stringfalse"AC"
useHelpModeDialogTo use help-mode-dialog when user clicks "Help". This option is available on Flatmap, MultiFlatmap, and Scaffold. When this is set to true, "Help" tooltips will be shown one by one.booleanfalsefalse
connectivityInfoSidebarThe option to show connectivity info in sidebar. Default is true. Set false to show as popup on map.booleanfalsetrue
annotationSidebarThe option to show annotation in sidebar. Default is true. Set false to show as popup on map.booleanfalsetrue


Event NameDescriptionParameters
isReadyThis event emit when the component is mounted.-
updateShareLinkRequestedThis event emits when the share link is requested.-
trackEventThis event triggers data tracking for Google Tag Manager (GTM) related to map interactions.-
mapLoadedThis event emit when the map is loaded.-


isFullscreenFunction to check whether it is in fullscreen mode or not.-
onFullscreenFunction to toggle fullscreen.fullscreenReq
leaveFullscreenFunction to leave fullscreen mode.-
goFullscreenFunction to go to fullscreen mode.-
setCurrentEntryProvide a way to set the current view, this is currently limited to setting view for flatmapm, multiflatmap or scaffold. In the case of the multiflatmap, it will not create a new entry and instead change the current entry by setting the state.state
openSearchOpen the sidebar with the specified facets and query.facets, query
flowMountedFunction to run when the component is mounted.-